The Mission of Hyprotek: Reduce Healthcare Associated Infections and Related Problems
Healthcare-associated infections or (HAIs) are various types of infections that patients can acquire when receiving medical treatment while in a healthcare setting. These are often preventable infections that can threaten a patient’s safety. Hyprotek is working with healthcare and public organizations to minimize the threat of HAIs and bring awareness to increase prevention.
While progress has been made, with the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, there is more work that needs to be done. On an average day, about 1 in 25 patients can acquire a HAI while in a healthcare setting. Statistical data has shown that in seeking out ways to prevent and minimize incidents of HAIs, this is an ongoing problem all over the world that should be addressed on a state-wide and national level.
Fact Sheet Information for HAIs
HAIs increase the mortality rate in hospitals and account for 99,000 deaths in the United States each year and 37,000 deaths all over Europe. In the United States alone, there have been about 30,000 deaths as a result of central line or catheter related infections in the bloodstream or CRBSIs.
According to the World Healthy Organization’s Fact Sheet, the rate of HAIs in the United States in 2002 is estimated to be 4.5% which equates to 9.3 infections for every 1,000 patients or 1.7 million people worldwide that are treated in hospital settings every year. In Europe, the incidents accounted for 7.1% of patients or 4.5 million people worldwide based on the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. The World Health Organization has confirmed that based on the WHO 2016 Fact Sheet, the indents and rate of occurrence in low- to middle-income countries is substantially worse.
Costs Associated with HAIs
With the rate of HAIs, there is also the consideration of subsequent hospital stays, treatment and care, time off from work or school, short- and long-term disability and antimicrobial increased resistance. As the financial costs grow, this affects patients, their families, employers, taxpayers and hospitals. In the United States, the costs are an estimated $6.5 billion for direct costs for hospital stays and €7 billion all over Europe.
HAIs can also lead to non-reimbursements for hospital care, to litigation and to patients’ choosing alternative providers.
To control and prevent further occurrences of HAIs, steps have been taken to minimize occurrences. As healthcare facilities, doctors and nursing staff along with care teams work on infection awareness, they are targeting HAIs, (e.g., CRBSIs). This can decrease incidents by as much as 70%.
Prevention is possible and it takes conscious efforts on the part of healthcare facilities, clinicians, public health organizations and government groups in the United States and Europe to protect patients and save lives. It is with this goal in mind that Hyprotek seeks to reduce the incidents of HAIs.